GoodYear Applications

Who can Apply?

Young people between the ages of 18-22 who have matric or are currently in matric or have

already obtained a post-graduate degree or diploma and who:

  • seek to have a good foundation to build their lives upon;
  • have leadership qualities and are willing to accept the responsibility of leadership;
  • is not disqualified by their lifestyle to act as positive role models within a community where alcohol abuse, drug dependence, violence and sexual dissolution are causing major problems;
  • accept Biblical values and norms and are willing to live according to these values and norms;
  • is prepared to work on a farm as well as serve in the community. To reach out to the community through programs, training and other involvements;
  • is willing to work very hard for the sake of their own livelihood;
  • is willing to commit themselves to be part of the GF4GF’s GOODYEAR team for at least one (1) year and are willing to fully cooperate as part of the team;
  • do not already have children as dependents and is not in a love relationship;
  • is willing to live at the Centre for the duration of the program and participate in the programs and activities presented;
  • is willing to comply with the rules of the Compass GF4GF Centre.
Language Skills

Students need to understand English well.


This is not a job application. The Centre provides the following to students: accommodation, 2 meals per day (Monday to Friday), all traveling cost for the purpose of the Centre, all courses/study material. The students will be given the opportunity to earn some money and will receive a little pocket money.

  1. Selection of candidates is done by the board of directors and staff of Compass GF4GF Centre.
  2. Closing date for applications: Monday, 08 January 2024
  3. All applications must be handed in at the school office or at Compass GF4GF Centre (87 Paulet Street) before or on the closing date. It can also be emailed to

Apply Now!

If you have read the information above and would like to apply for a GoodYear, please fill out the application form below. One of our team leaders will get back to you and let you know if you have been shortlisted for an interview. You will only be notified about interviews after applications have closed.

Location: Somerset East, Eastern Cape  |  Contact:  |  Applications close: 08 January 2024


Complete this form when you have enough time to properly answer all the questions as it takes some time and you will not be able to save your answers and come back to them at a later stage. You will need an electronic copy of your ID or Passport (a photo or a pdf) and an electronic copy of your Matric certificate or September results (if you received them for 2023).

GoodYear Application Form

Thank you!

We’ve got your form and will be in touch. In the mean time, follow us on social media: @gf4gfcentres

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