We are a network of small, multi-purpose training centres that cultivate young leaders in order to positively impact rural-agricultural communities.
The Problem
Youth and the agricultural sector are under tremendous threat in South Africa. Many young people are an economic burden due to lack of education and employment opportunities.
Even youth who have an education find themselves unemployable. Poor work ethic and lack of experience are just some of the reasons.
Furthermore, the average age of a South African farmer is 62 years of age (Agri SA) which exposes a dangerous age gap and an imminent threat to the agricultural sector, especially to food security.
This problem affects everyone from rural communities to those in the hearts of cities. There is an urgent need to develop a new generation of productive, responsible farmers and young leaders for rural-agricultural communities. South Africa’s sustainability and future are at stake!

Our Solution
GF4GF Centres are offering long-term sustainable solutions to the crisis of leadership in rural-agricultural communities. This is done by implementing a unique strategy that brings together agriculture and young local leaders brimming with potential.
GF4GF Centres do not merely focus on skills development but also focus on developing the person behind the skill. High-intensive training is done for 1 year with a select group of young people, after they have completed matric or tertiary education (this is the GoodYear project).
Training is done at a GF4GF centre. These centres are all located in rural-agricultural communities and many centres run their own agricultural projects.
By cultivating young leaders from rural-agricultural communities, young commercial farmers and supporting leaders are being raised up, both for farms and for the surrounding community. This is making a crucial contribution to the sustainability of South Africa as a nation.
GF4GF stands for "Good Foundations for Good Fruit".
Focus Areas
GF4GF Centres have 3 main focus areas. All 3 areas are integrated at the centre’s.

At GF4GF Centres young people are mentored, coached and taught. Through the GoodYear program, they are given a space where they are able to grow and become leaders in their communities. The GoodYear students also reach out to the local school children, teaching what they are learning.

GF4GF Centres also provide skills training courses for people from the GoodYear students, the local community, farms or businesses. This serves as an income for some centres and as a means to equip the GoodYear students.

Agricultural projects are implemented at every GF4GF Centre in order to serve as a demonstration plot, a training ground and a source of income for the sustainability of the Centre’s. Some centres maintain basic vegetable gardens while others run a variety commercial farming enterprises.
Our Flagship Program
GoodYear is a 1-year training program for young people during which the students live at a GF4GF Centre and are taught good moral values, critical life skills and various hard skills. They are raised up as leaders for their communities.
These students make a practical contribution to the community during their GoodYear.

A Word From GoodYear Alumni

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