Genadeland GF4GF Centre
Genadeland GF4GF Centre was the third centre to be established. It was founded with an absolute miracle. Johan Viljoen had the vision to start the centre. He was auctioning off a springbok ram and asked God for the sale price to be a sign. The ram landed up selling for the cost of the farm that would become the GF4GF Centre. It wasnt long before the right people were in place and the centre was up and running.
Donate to Compass GF4GF Centre
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Victoria West, Northern Cape, South Africa
Language of Instruction
What Happens at our Centre
Every GF4GF Centre has a unique flavour. We all focus on youth, skills and agriculture and we all run a GoodYear program. However, each centre is tailored to the needs, context and opportunities in their community. Also, each centre is at a different stage of development.
The GoodYear program brings post-matriculants into a healthy, intimate spiritual family for a GoodYear on a GF4GF Centre where they are mentored to be influential leaders in their communities. We establish Good Foundations in their lives. We disciple them holistically and, through them, we reach out to schools, communities and farms.
The transfer of root and life skills to GoodYear students, mainly through a multiple short courses and hard work, takes place from an outcomes-based approach.
Conference and Training Facilities
Genadeland offers a versatile set up with a big old farm house as well as an old warehouse that has been renovated.
There is plenty of accomodation, kitchen facilities, training room and conference facilities available. The centre also has space to use outside.
Our Story
Baie jare gelede, rondom 1840, toe Leeus nog in die Karoo rondgeloop het en predikante nog te perd huisbesoek gedoen het, bedien Colin Fraser die boere van Uitvlugt en Nieuweveldt vanuit die kerkhuis op Kapoksfontein waar hy tuisgaan as hy in hierdie dele is. Hy kom te perd vanaf Beaufort-Wes en besoek die verafgeleë boere, soos ook Fraserburg getuig, wat na hom vernoem is.
Hy nader die kerk om ‘n gedeelte van Kapoksfontein en Zeekoegat te koop om ‘n dorp te stig om die boere te bedien en die dorp word vernoem na die Britse koningin, Victoria. Later verander die naam na Victoria-Wes. Erwe word uitgelê op Kapoksfontein, maar toe word die potensiële ligging van ‘n dorpsdam enkele kilometer daarvandaan opgemerk en die dorp word gebou waar dit vandag is, ‘n ligging wat meer geskik was omdat leiwater vanuit die dam sou moontlik wees.
Die sewe erwe buite Victoria-Wes staan vandag bekend as Kapoksfontein en dis hier waar die geestelike fondasies van Victoria-Wes lê, die plek waar bediening in hierdie area begin het, die plek waar ons die voorreg het om Genadeland GF4GF-Centre te begin. GF4GF: Good Foundations for Good Fruit.
‘n Vriend van ‘n vriend besoek toe ons manne gebedsgroep een Vrydag oggend. Sy naam is David en hy is op besoek hier, vanaf Boston Amerika. Hy voel sterk dat Victoria-Wes ‘n plek van genade is. In engels is daar twee woorde vir genade, naamlik mercy and grace.
Hennie by wie David kom kuier het vertel ook van die Malawiese tweeling wat hy name moes gee en dat hy hulle Victoria en Hope genoem het en dat hy voel dit is profeties vir Victoria-Wes.
‘n Paar jaar later toe dinge op ‘n plek kom waar ons ‘n beplanningsgesprek by Hennie op sy plaas het rondom die begin van die opleidingsentrum op Kapoksfontein, is dit sonder dat ons vooraf geweet het, ook die naweek in die jaar wat David daar is. David besluit daar om die salaris van die sentrumleier wat ons moet aanstel vir die eerste jaar te skenk.
Follow us on Facebook
Each GF4GF Centre functions in its own community. This means you can either follow the @GF4GFCentres facebook page for general updates, or you can follow our local page for more news about whats happening on the ground.